School Management ERP :: ODISI EduSys

What is the Student Information System (SIS)?

Manually managing student’s data sometimes become a tiresome and a vexing task for the educators and administrators. But, with the evolving technology in the education industry, all operations can be easily streamlined, which eventually improve student’s productivity, efficiency & results.

With the Student Information System, institutes can manage an enormous amount of students’ data at a single place and it enhances the data security in the most cost-effective way. Features such as admission numbers, attendance records, exam performance tracking, guardian details, assignment management, and much more can be seamlessly managed by administrators.

Student Information Management System not only reduces the workload of staff members but also ensures that institutes have full control over their data. Also, assist faculties in monitoring the performance of the student's schooling and make data-driven decisions to improve their academic growth.

What are the benefits
of the Student
Management System?

For Teachers

Easy communication with students and parents.
Data-driven reports on student’s progress.
A unified place to maintain the student’s grades.
Easily manage a student’s records.

For Admins

High-level data security.
Centralised data repository.
Simplified admission process.
Streamlined daily operations.
User friendly interface require minimal IT skills.

For Students

Effective communication with teachers.
Instant notification on important events.
Manage / Evaluate their performance and progress.
Access to attendance, timetable, examination schedule and much more.

For Parents

Monitor & track the progress of students.
Hassle-free fee payment.
Better communication with teachers.
Greater engagement in creative programmes.

Student InformationManagement System Features

Student Data Management

Manage all type of data, such as students personal details, academic progress, documents, attendance details more. Admin can easily export the data anytime and make a data-driven decision.

Report Generation

Generate various comprehensive reports - attendance report, fees pending report, placement report, examination result report, and more. Also, customize and modify the field according to the institute preference.

Admission Management

Automate the whole admission process, reduce the possibility of errors and paperwork. Efficiently manage student and parents details, customize the admission form, document management, and more.

Online Fees Payment

No more standing in the long queue for the fees submission. With Fedena, automate transactions, send instant alerts to parents/students on pending fees, add taxes and discounts according to your institute requirement.

Attendance Management

Automate attendance tracking with biometric/RFID integration. Mark attendance subject-wise or day-wise, send an instant alert to parents and let them stay abreast in case their child missed any classes.

Transport Management

Real-time tracking on vehicle routing and stops with GPS integration. Manage and schedule the transport fees collection. Also, ensure better safety and security of the students.

Examination Management

Automates the examination process, schedule the various type of examination. Send a notification or instant alerts via the messaging system and instantly share the examination results with students and parents.

Library Management

With barcode scan functionality track the book's availability. Perform anti-theft operations & identification at the same time. Classify the books subject-wise, automatically calculate fine in case of late submission.

Hostel Management

Effectively manage the room allocation, collect and manage the hotel fees, provide bird's eye view on of all existing hostels on the campus, enhance the student's security, share access to the detailed records.

Alumni Management

Let students build a strong relationship with the alumni vis SMS or email platform. Allows alumni to share their knowledge and experience to the student so that they can prepare themselves for the upcoming challenges.

Communication System

Improve communication among parents teachers and students by integrating SMS and email platform. Send instant alerts and customize the messaging according to the target user.

Mobile App

Access to all features at your fingertips. View timetable, marks the attendance, exam result, upcoming events, track on pending fees, also interact with classmates and teachers from anywhere at any time.

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